
Beatriz Hasler MSc

Berufsfotografin / professional photographer

Mitglied der Bildenden Künstler Österreich / member of the professional association of artists in Austria

Fotocredit: Thomas Achter

capturing in-between-lines, visualising emotions, freezing moments, finding beauty in detail, framing characters, harnessing light

Exhibitions and Publications

2024 04: Madrid “Las cuatro staciones” exhibition & concert in collaboration with Maria Teresa Berrios (painter), Andrés Gavilano (sculpture) and Andreas Siles Mellinger (violin). Casa de la Cultura “Carmen Conde”, Plaza Colón s/n 28220 Majadahonda. Vernissage: 3.4.2023 20:00, Concert 6.4.2023

2024 02: “Ohne Gesicht” 10.2.-21.4.2024 first ever BV curated exhibition of photographs at the GAUERMANN MUSEUM, NÖ, Austria

2023 09: ARTWALK 23. + 24. September 14:00 – 19:00, Kunstraum 18, Thimiggasse 63 photography + sculpture by Ernst Wittkowski, Vernissage Art Tuesday 19.9. 19:00 – Finnissage 1.10. 19:00

2023 09: Kunstsalon SCHÖNRUNN group photography exhibition “Im anderen Licht” selected and curated by the professional association of artists, exhibition runs from 1.9. – 13.9.2023

2023 06: Kunst Symposium Strasshof “Im Zug der Zeit” group exhibition in collaboration with sculptors, participation as one of four photographic artist, organised by Berufsvereinigung der bildenden Künstler Österreichs

2023 03: Camping Revue ÖAMTC Austria “Wilder Norden” photography and text about hiking and camping in Norway

2023 02: Camping Revue ÖAMTC Austria “Mit Kind und Kegel” photography and text about cycling with family along the Soca in Slovenia, you can find the article here.

2023: ART AWARD Nominierung und Platz unter den besten zehn beim Art-Award der Berufsvereinigung der bildenden Künstler Österreichs, LV Wien/NÖ/Bgld. in der Kategorie „Foto/Multimedia-Art“

2022: Vienna: Kunstsalon Schönbrunn, Eigene Sicht der Dinge – Group Exhibition curated by the professional association of Artists in Austria, Vernissage: 25.10. at 15:00, Schloß Schönbrunn, Ovalstiege 40, 3. Stock, the exhibition runs until 18.1.2023

2022: “Vom Reiz der Jahreszeiten”, Group Exhibition curated by the professional association of Artists in Austria, Vernissage: 19.10. at 19:00, Bergerhaus Gumpoldskirchen, Austria, the exhibition runs until 30.10.

2022: Artwalk Vienna, solo photography show and print sale at the studio, 17.9. & 18.9.2022, 14:00 – 19:00, Schulgasse 68

2022: Vienna: Stadtflanerie, Kunstsalon Schönbrunn, Group Exhibition Photography curated by the professional association of Artists in Austria, Vernissage: 16.9 at 16:00, Schloß Schönbrunn, Ovalstiege 40, 3. Stock, the exhibition runs until 5.10.

2022: Vienna: Marien Apotheke Wien 18, Summer Showcase 5th of July to 21st of August

2021: “Dialogos Femeninos”, September in Ibiza, Santa Eularia, sala de exposiciones de la Concejalia de Cultura, run by “grupo Arte y Conservación”, here are all links to the press releases: TV (from minute 26 onwards)Periodico de IbizaDiario de IbizaDiario de Ibiza fotogalleryIbiza Heute

2021/2022: “Rethinking Nature” international slide show – Premiere at Casino Luxembourg, where it will be shown May 31st until June 6th as part of the  European Month of Photography – next venue will be the Imago Lisboa at Carpintarias de São Lázaro from 1st until 31st of October – and the final venue will be in Vienna at the festival center of Foto Wien from March 9th to March 27th in 2022.

2021: Artwalk Vienna, large solo photography exhibiton at the studio

2021: Vienna: Humanitas Apotheke, 21, Jedleseer Str. 66-94, 1210 Wien, summer showcase 3.7. – 31.8.2021: “Phone Home”

2020: Artwalk Vienna, photography exhibiton from 11th to 13th of September at Tischlerei Ledl featuring the series “Im Prater ist immer was los”, “Phone Home”

2020: Culturmag, Hamburg, Germany, shutdown special: Publication of photograph with short story featured here in the blog.

2020: Ibiza, Santa Eulalia, 7. – 22. May: “Dialogos Femeninos” – CANCELLED due to Covid-19 in May, postponed to later in the year

2020/03: Camping Revue ÖAMTC Austria “Wo der Wind weht” photography and text about travelling the remote North of Scotland, you can find the article here.

2019: Vienna, “Betlehem ist nebenan”, group exhibition mixed media, featuring two Nepal photographs

2019: Vienna, Art18 group exhibition mixed media “Mit oder Ohne”, single entry of a “naked” dismantled skyscraper in Glasgow

2019: Vienna, Artwalk, photography series “Das Boot”

2018: Vienna, Artwalk, photography and photo collage, Series: “Feiertag Baby”, “Frozen”

2017: Vienna, Artwalk, photography exhibition single images: landscapes, street photos

2015: Vienna, Artwalk, series of photographs of the Anapurna and Kathmandu region in Nepal

2015: London, Art Refuge Nepal, fundraising exhibition and auction of 4 pictures

2015: Vienna, documentary photography: Train of Hope / WUK Welcome Refugees, printed in “Wina” Magazine, issue Dez./Jän. 2015

2007, 2008, 2009: FM4 calendar, ORF Austria, 3 photographs and photo collages published

VITAE english

Born 1976 and raised in Vienna, Beatriz Hasler has always been a keen photographer. She studied for her first degree in International Economics at the University of Vienna, graduating with a Bachelor of Honors degree in 2000 at the University of Manchester.

She has worked on numerous art projects, including creating visual experiences in a team at the Arena in Vienna or being part of the children’s art workshop team at Womad Festival, England. She has been submitting photographic work and collages to various entries and was featured in a calendar by the Austrian radio station FM4 for 3 consecutive years (2007-2009).

In 2000 she completed a Master of Science Degree in Design and Digital Media at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. She subsequently worked in a Design Co-operative in Glasgow until she set off to see and photograph the world from her bike for eight months.

Since 2008 she has lived in Vienna, where she has founded a non-profit sports organisation for families and has regularly exhibited photographic and graphic projects.

In 2015 she donated pictures for fundraising in Nepal after the earthquakes and documented the welcome refugee movement in Vienna, being featured in Wina magazine.

In 2019 she qualified and completed the masterclass for photography in 2020 in Vienna to deepen her knowledge of the visual world and broaden her path as a photographer.

Since 2021 she is a member of the professional association of arists in Austria – Berufsvereinigung der bildenden Künstler Österreichs (www.art-bv.at) and professional photographers of Austria – Berufsfotografin WKO

Beschreibung der künstlerischen Arbeit

Die Künstlerin findet die Schönheit im Detail und liebt es Emotionen zu
visualisieren, Momente einzufrieren, Charaktere einzurahmen und
Interessantes zwischen den Zeilen festzuhalten. Neben dem Licht hat auch das Spiel mit dem Schatten sowie mit Spiegelungen in den Bildern von Bea Hasler, die Stimmungen jenseits von Traum und Realität einfangen, eine große Bedeutung.

Kernpunkte ihrer Arbeiten – die aus einem Fallenlassen in den Moment und einer
Vertiefung ins Hier & Jetzt entstehen – sind die Bereiche Mensch und Natur.

Ihr Interesse gilt daher seit Beginn ihrer Tätigkeit vor zwei Jahrzehnten
der Gestaltung von aussagekräftigen Porträts. Sie vertieft sich in ihr
Gegenüber und läßt in ihren Menschenbildern die Charakteristika von
Personen jeden Alters in ihrer Bildkomposition, optisch
auf den Punkt gebracht, zum Betrachter sprechen. 

Der zweite künstlerische Bereich ist die Natur. Die Künstlerin steht mit
beiden Beinen im Leben und findet ihren Ausgleich zum Alltag in Sport,
Wanderungen sowie auf Reisen. Die Erfahrungswelten, die sie so erforscht
hat, reichen von länderübergreifenden Radtouren durch Asien und
Australien über Bergabenteuer in Nepal, Camping Touren auf den Hebriden
und in den Alpen bis zu Klettertouren an fernöstlichen Kraftplätzen. 

Die Fülle ihrer in Wäldern, an Stränden, auf Wiesen, im Fels, auf Berggipfeln und an
verborgenen Plätzen empfundenen Gefühle über die Natur zeigt sie in ihren
Bildkompositionen. Diese sprechen die Phantasie des Betrachters auf
unbewußter Ebene an und vermitteln wortlos die Schönheit von
Sonnenaufgängen, Vogelnestern, Meereswelten und die Mikromagie von
Blüten, Blumen und Gräsern. 

Das Ziel ihrer Arbeit ist es, das Universum irdischer Schönheit in Momentaufnahmen einzufangen.